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Cheat codes for Wario Land II

 Platform: Game Boy User rating: 5.3 Page visits: 1432 
Wario Land II How to Find the First Secret Chapter
To find the first secret chapter in Wario Land 2, enter the first level. Don't wake Wario up, and the Gooms will kick Wario out of his house. The story will then proceed along a different path.
Alternatively, you can let the first boss eat you. When he spits you out, go through the door, face the wall, and ram it. It should break and allow you through a new passage which leads to the secret exit.

Wario Land II Infinite Lives Hearts and Coins
Enter any stage in the game and press start.When it's paused keep pressing select untill a line starts blinking below.Next hold the buttons "A" and "B". Then press left or right to choose theitem and press up and down to increase or decrease the item's amount.(Theitems can only go up to 99)

Wario Land II Flagman D.D Game
Complete the game with 100% Stage Clear, Treasure, and Map Pieces and you will get the final stage and a bonus game, Flagman D.D.

Wario Land II Traction on Conveyer Belts
To prevent yourself from moving on a conveyor belt, carry an enemy. As long as you're doing this you'll move normally.

Wario Land II Instant Reset
If you're stuck or just want to reset, press Select, Start, A and B all at the same time. You'll have to start over from your last save point, but you won't lose coins or items.

Wario Land II Unlockable: Bonus Game
Complete the entire game.

Wario Land II Unlockable: Bonus Level
Complete the entire game.

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