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Cheat codes for Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3

 Platform: Game Boy User rating: 4.9 Page visits: 1528 
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 Best Ending
For the best possible ending, win the game with 99,999 money.

Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 Debug Mode
Pause the game, then press Select 16 times. A box will appear over lives, time, or coins. To use Debug Mode, hold A or B and press Left or Right to move the box over a number. To change the number, press Up or Down.
You can also change Wario's hat by pressing A + B to move the box to Wario. Once it's there, press Start. Each time you do, Wario's hat will change.

Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 Extra Lives on Rice Beach
Go in rice beach in the beginning - beat it then go back in. There should be water.. go in the door where you realized there were mutated plants, swim and don't touch them. On the other side there is a door. Go in it to find a big smiley box with a big heart inside. Get it to be 3 lives richer.

Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 Longer Body-Slam
If you press a while body-slamming, you will jump, but won't stop slamminguntil you reach the top of the jump. If you time it right, you can get aBull body-slam when normal. And with the bull power up...

Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 Hidden Area
At Mt.Teapot go to level 8. When you are close to the exit(you must havethe jet hat) you have to go on top of the little islandand jump high and use the jet hat. Then youwill find a hidden exit.

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