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Cheat codes for Wario Ware Touched!

 Platform: Nintendo DS User rating: 5.2 Page visits: 1575 
Wario Ware Touched! Unlockable: Pyoro T
Unlock every mini-game to unlock the Pyoro T mini-game.

Wario Ware Touched! Unlockable: More Mini-Games
To unlock more mini-games you have to beat the high scores on each of the mini-games that have high-scores.
  • Juggle boy: 40 points
  • Orbit Ball: 1000miles
  • Air dude: 100 yards
  • Big hurl: 80 meters
  • Pyoro T: 3000 points
  • Snore rope: 15 points

Wario Ware Touched! Unlockable: Characters
  • Ashley, Dr. Crygor, Kat and Ana: Beat Jamie T's microgames
  • James T: Beat Dr. crygor Ashley Kat and Ana's microgames
  • Jamie T: Beat jimmy T's microgames
  • Jimmy T: Beat wario's microgames
  • Mike, 9 volts: Beat James T's microgames
  • Mona: Beat Wario's micro games
  • Warioman: Beat mike and 9 volt's microgames

Wario Ware Touched! Hint: Title Screen Secrets
If you use enough force you can kill the noses eventually you get garlic grab it and throw it at a nose you'll end up with a huge nose. If you throw the green balls or stars they will get lodged in the nostrils and you can make it sneeze.

Wario Ware Touched! Easter Egg: Move the Ship
If you blow in the microphone the ship will move.

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