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Cheat codes for Warhammer: Dark Omen
Platform: PC - Windows |
User rating: 5.3 |
Page visits: 1291 |
Warhammer: Dark Omen Master Cheat List
Enter codes at the main menu to activate the cheat.Effect Code -----------------------------------------------------------Press [F12] to win battle overbychristmasOpen zoom window squarewindowSmall heads smegheadInfinite magic items in multi-player blackmarketFaster game bennyhillPlay Introduction welcomePlay Meanwhile groovetownPlay Liber Mortis lightreadingPlay Jewel of Morrslieb smallpebblePlay Hand of Nagash badbreathPlay Black grail whitegrailPlay Long march atimetofightPlay Victory wewonthedayPlay Game Over ohdearSkip to Great Forest 1 thelivinggem Skip to Great Forest 8 handyman Skip to Axebite Pass 4 ridethestorm Skip to Altdorf 8 youandi Enter fudgeislush on the main menu to enable "Book cheats". Then, press these keys to activate the cheat.Effect Keys----------------------------------------------------------Add 1000 to money CTRL + C + GSubtract 1000 from money CTRL + C + TIncrease current unit's XP Level CTRL + C + E Current unit is "unbreakable" CTRL + C + U Enter dontmesswithme at the roster screen to enable these cheats.Effect keys----------------------------------------------------------Max XP for all units CTRL + C + F Current unit is indestructable CTRL + C + I Have all magic items CTRL + C + M Enter bringemon on the main menu to enable these cheats.Effect Keys----------------------------------------------------------Skip a battle hold F12Select enemy units hold CTRL100% hit rate for ballistic unit hold K when firingIncrease available magic points hold WEnter looklively on the main menu to enable these cheats.Effect Keys-----------------------------------------------------------Destroy select unit hold D or CTRL and click unitBallistic units never miss hold K when firingRapid fire for ballistic unit hold R when firing
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