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Cheat codes for Wario Ware, Inc.:Mega Micrograme$
Platform: Game Boy Advance |
User rating: 5.4 |
Page visits: 1421 |
Music TestChoose the "Name Entry" selection at the options screen. Select "Yes" to enter a name. Do not actually enter a name. Instead, press L to display the music test screen.PyoroTo unlock the game seen in the intro, Pyoro, simply play every game of every character.Pyoro 2To unlock Pyoro 2, the sequel to Pyoro, get medals on every game in Game Practice mode.Staff modeSuccessfully complete the game to unlock an option to view the game's developers.. Dr. Wario mini-gameGet 15 mails against Blue Jimmy. Fly Swatter mini-gameGet 20 mails against Yellow Jimmy. Wario's Sheriff mini-gameGet 25 mails against Red Jimmy. Paper Plane mini-gameSuccessfully defeat Red Jimmy. Scroll faster on gridYou can scroll through the writing faster on the grid by tapping or holding L or R. Intermission bonusDuring a break when it shows a character, press A and something will happen. Boss modeSuccessfully complete the game to unlock an option to fight just Bosses.Easy ModeDefeat Wario to unlock the "Easy mode" option. Thrilling ModeComplete the game in easy mode with a high score to unlock the "Thrilling mode" option. Hard ModeGet at least 15 mails in Thrilling mode. Alternate Music in Jump ForeverGet over 100 points in Jump Forever to unlock three alternate songs the next time that mini-game is played.Control Credits MusicDuring the credits press L to boost the bass and press R to boost the treble.
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