Planet Cheats

Cheat codes beginning with 'W' (page 9)

Displaying 401 - 450 of 693 cheats

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401. Wolfenstein 3-D (Jaguar)
402. Wolfenstein 3-D (Macintosh)
403. Wolfenstein 3-D (PC - Windows)
404. Wolfenstein 3-D (Super NES)
405. Wolfenstein 3-D: Spear of Destiny (PC - Windows)
406. Wolfenstein 3D (Game Boy Advance)
407. Wolfenstein 3D (PC)
408. Wolfenstein 3d (Macintosh)
409. Wolverine (NES)
410. Wolverine: Adamantium Rage (Super NES)
411. Wolverine: Adamantium Rage (Genesis)
412. Wolverine: Adamantium Rage (Super NES)
413. Wonder Boy (Master Systems)
414. Wonder Boy III: The Dragons Trap (Master Systems)
415. Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Master Systems)
416. Wonder Boy in Monster World (Genesis)
417. Wonder Dog (Sega CD)
418. Wonder Project J2 (Nintendo 64)
419. Woody Woodpecker (PC)
420. Woody Woodpecker (Playstation 2)
421. Woody Woodpecker (Game Boy Color)
422. Woody Woodpecker Racing (PC - Windows)
423. World Championship Poker (Game Boy Advance)
424. World Championship Poker: Featuring Howard Lederer "All In" (Xbox 360)
425. World Championship Pool 2004 (Xbox)
426. World Championship Pool 2004 (GameCube)
427. World Championship Rugby (Xbox)
428. World Championship Snooker (Playstation)
429. World Championship Snooker 2001 (Playstation 2)
430. World Championship Snooker 2002 (Playstation 2)
431. World Championship Snooker 2003 (Playstation 2)
432. World Championship Snooker 2003 (Xbox)
433. World Championship Snooker 2003 (Ps2 Cheats)
434. World Championship Snooker 2004 (PC)
435. World Championship Snooker 2004 (Playstation 2)
436. World Championship Snooker 2004 (Xbox)
437. World Circuit Racing: Grand Prix Manager (PC - Windows)
438. World Class Baseball (TurboGrafx 16)
439. World Court Tennis (TurboGrafx 16)
440. World Cricket 2000 (Macintosh)
441. World Cup '98 (Playstation)
442. World Cup '98 (Nintendo 64)
443. World Cup 94 (PC - Windows)
444. World Cup 98 (PC)
445. World Cup 98 (Nintendo 64)
446. World Cup 98 (PC - Windows)
447. World Cup 98 (Playstation)
448. World Cup Soccer (NES)
449. World Destruction League: Thunder Tanks (Playstation)
450. World Destruction League: Thunder Tanks (Playstation 2)

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