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Cheat codes for Star Wars: Battle for Naboo
Platform: Nintendo 64 |
User rating: 7.7 |
Page visits: 1255 |
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Platinum Medals
Did you know that you can get Platinum Medals on every mission in this game? But according to the developer, it's almost impossible to do -- so you might as well give up. Or maybe the knowledge of this secret medals is so tempting, you'll try and find them all -- and send us the exact details on how you did it. At which point we will crown you "Super Insane Gamer" and send you a cookie Chris Carle baked back in 1996.Looks like we're going to have to fire up the old brownie tray, because our man with a plan Brant Martin has gone and done the impossible. That's right, Mr. Super Insane Gamer 2001 beat the final mission of the game, earning a Platinum Medal. He earned it by blowing up all houses and docks, beating the Naboo forces in under six minutes and scoring 80% accuracy to do it all. Congratulations, Brant. You are a god among men.
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Developer Commentary
From the main menu select Options. Next select Passcodes,then enter: TALKTOME Once you have entered this code you can proceed to the game as normal. When you play with this code you will hear commentary from the developers. They will talk about which-ever level you are currently playing.
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Pink Ship
From the main menu select Options. Next select Passcodes,then enter: RUAGIRL? Once you have entered the code you may proceed to the game as normal. You'll notice that your ship has been repainted to various shades of Pink.
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Game Music
From the main menu select Options. Next select Passcodes, then enter: WAKEUP Once you have entered the code you can access the options menu and then select Concert Hall. From there you can hear and tune you like.
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Unlock Secret Level/ Level Select
From the Main Menu Select Options then Passcodes. Now enter: LEC&FIVE This will open every level up to the Trade federation Secrets level. It's rumored that more secret levels exist.
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Sea Sick Mode
From the main menu select Options. Next select Passcodes,then enter: DRJEKYLL Now, return to the main menu and proceed to the game as normal. This time when you play the water will be extremely rough and the Camera will have a different focal length. This will make the game quite a bit more difficult because you will want to hurl as you play it. Have Fun!
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo One Hit Kills
From the main menu select Options. Next select Passcodes,then enter: EWERDEAD Once you have finished entering the code you can proceed to the game as normal. This time your enemies and yourself are vulnerable to one shot kills.
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Infinite Lives
From the main menu select Options. Next select Passcodes,then enter: PATHETIC Once you have entered the code you can proceed to the game as normal. You will have infinite lives, however your game will not count for medals.
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Maximum Stats
From the main menu select Options. Next select Passcodes,then enter: OVERLOAD Once you have entered the code you can proceed to the game as normal. You will have advanced statistics for your craft.
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Advanced Shields
From the main menu select Options. Next select Passcodes,then enter: DROIDEKA You will now have advanced shields, just like the Droideka destroyer bots.
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Unlock Showroom Art
From the main menu select Options. Next select Passcodes, then enter: KOOLSTUF You can now access the showroom and view Battle for Naboo concept art.
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo See the Naboo Team
From the main menu select Options. Next select Passcodes,then enter: LOVEHUTT You will now get a glimpse at the team that created the game. Scary, huh?
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo View The Credits
At the Password entry screen you can enter: MEMEME! You will be taken imediately to the Credits.
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Upgraded Lasers
At the Password entry screen you can enter: ADEGAN This will instantly give you the upgraded laser.
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Unlock Swamp Speeder
To unlock the Swamp Speeder, go to the Passcodes screen and type "RHUBARB!". It will make the Swamp Speeder usable for all missions in which you can select the Trade Federation Gunboat.
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Hard Mode
From the main menu select Options. Next select Passcodes,then enter: NASTYMDE Once you have entered the code you may proceed to the game as normal. You'll notice that your game has become a lot harder.