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Cheat codes for Lost Magic

 Platform: Nintendo DS User rating: 4.7 Page visits: 1423 
Lost Magic Unlockable: Bad Path
You must make sure you keep your wand when asked by the Diva of Twilight.

Lost Magic Unlockable: Good Path
You must give up your wand when you're asked to by the Diva of Twilight.

Lost Magic Unlockable: Bosses in Free Mode
Defeat the boss in the single player mode.

Lost Magic Hint - Flame Boss (Woman)
When you first start, have two teams of two water wyverns, then go to the far right up the path, so enemies cannot spot you. When in sight of the boss, send all four wyverns to attack her when little monsters are around her. Your wyverns must be around level 15 for you to mount an effective attack. If you are lucky, you should beat her without even a minute passing (this assumes the boss does not heal herself)!

Lost Magic Hint - Ultimate Dragons
The only way you can get the Ultimate Dragons is if you give Diva The Twilight the wand when you are in that situation. After that you will have to gather the remaining Lost Magic from the water, fire, earth and wind after that when you go to Tamata Village you will speak to the little girl and she will say that she saw a huge dragon.

After you leave the place look to the far right of the map there will be a section that says "mysterious noises" go there and you will have to kill all of the water dragons(and remember to catch at least 2) after the water one there will be another section for wind, then fire, then earth, then light and then dark. The dragons only take up 5 UP points.

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