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Cheat codes for Mega Man ZX

 Platform: Nintendo DS User rating: 5.2 Page visits: 1547 
Mega Man ZX Unlockable: Model OX
On Normal you must defeat Omega in N-1, then go past the door which says "I need something to open this door. The Game Pack Megaman Zero 4 is needed" and enter the next one. You'll get Mysterious Rock.

Then, after you defeat Serpent's final form, you should have "COMPLETE" over your save file. Now go talk to Fluub, and he'll say it's Model OX.

Submitted by xemnas
Correction by chaoszera

Mega Man ZX Unlockable: Hard Mode
You must complete the game in Normal Mode.

Mega Man ZX Unlockable: Fistleo Plushie
You must defeat Fistleo while avoiding to hit his head.

Mega Man ZX Unlockable: Flammole Plushie
You must defeat Flammole while avoiding to hit his arms.

Mega Man ZX Unlockable: Hivolt Plushie
You must defeat Hivolt while avoiding his wings.

Mega Man ZX Unlockable: Hurricane Plushie
Defeat Hurricane. Don't hit her neck.

Mega Man ZX Unlockable: Purprill Plushie
You must defeat Purprill while avoiding to hit his arms.

Mega Man ZX Hint - Subtank Starters
A subtank is in area E-4. Right after first conveyer belt, dash-jump to next conveyer belt (instead of falling). Defeat the enemy and "sub-tank get!"

Mega Man ZX Hint - Final Boss
Simply switch to Model Hx and hit his changing weak points (spot them with Hx's radar) with the level 2 tornado charge attack. Do this once to each of his weak spots and you win!

Mega Man ZX Hint - Event Clean-Up
Chips, extra missions, and special helpful items can be obtained from the must un expected places and are hidden practialy everywhere.

As an example, after the defeat of the attact on the skybase speeking to Yu in sector C1(racer kid1) will get him to ask you to help his brother LAU in C3 with his quiz's, after anwsering the first question go to a save point and report the mission and head back to YU who will ask you again, to do the quiz with his brother, so get to C3 and enter the save pointand save, though it doesnt matter as you get the item anyway. go back to the save point and report the mission completion, you will get 50 credits, and a pink Crystal.

LAU tells you not to show "Old Man Jack" otherwise he might want it. old man jack is available after you do the second eletric biometal mission "save the people" or something.

Old Jack can be found in C1 near the green door, talk to him and he will trade for a chip item that you can equip in the items menu.

Items like chips and fullu health "E-cans" and extra "E-Tanks" can be found simply by talking multiple time to every person you come across.

In the bowels of the base you can find "Cédre" a character that kinda looks like Tank Girl talking to her she says she has an "Antuiqe item" that she will only part with for 200 credits but when you use it, if you come talk to her again you can grab another, for the same price. other chips and things can be found from talking to people lots.

After every mission talk to everyone in town and every one at the base, and you're bound to get hidden items. If you can't find someone, try getting on top of buildings and up walls any thing you can get to. Mode HX helps heaps in this respect.

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