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Cheat codes for Metroid Prime: Hunters

 Platform: Nintendo DS User rating: 5.4 Page visits: 1678 
Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlockable: Compression Chamber
Simply play 4 local games.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlock More Hunters
Unlock new hunters (characters) on wi-fi mode by killing them in campaign.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlockable: Compression Chamber
You must play 4 local games

Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlockable: Elder Passage
You must play 18 local games.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlockable: Fuel Stack
You must play 20 local games.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlockable: Harvester
You must play 12 local games.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlockable: Incubation Vault
You must play 6 local games.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlockable: Head Shot
You must play a four-player match.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlockable: Gateway Arenas
You must Land on a new level in single player.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlockable: Fault Line
You must play 22 local games.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlockable: Council Chamber
You must play 16 local games.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlockable: Oubliette
You must defeat the second form of the final boss.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlockable: Outer Reach
You must play 10 local games.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlockable: Subterranean
You must play 8 local games.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Hint: Morph Jump
Turn into a ball then lay down a bomb. You have to be quick. As soon as the bomb explodes turn back into normal mode and jump and you will go higher than normal.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Hint - Ripping Cretaphid's Eyes Out With A Splenda-Blender
One of the best ways to take down Cretaphid is to obtain the magmul weapon. With the magmul armed and ready you stand a great chance of victory. If used properly, can take out two or three eyes at once. Just aim at the center of a group of blue eyes. They must be pretty close to each other for magmul to work its magic. Use your missile launcher to take out the crystal as it is easist to aim with.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Hint - Stage Bouncing
If you are stuck at Slench 2A or any boss past that and keep running out of ammo or life, then just skip it and go to Celestial Archives. Yes you can do that and while you beat the archives stage, be sure to pick up four UA Expansions (that's 120 extra shots), 1 energy tank and 1 missile expansion.

Then skip Slench 3B and go to Alinos. Be sure to pick up 2 UA Expansions, (that's 60+120 extra shots) and an energy tank.

Then skip Cretaphid V3 and head to Acterra. Pick up another 2 UA Expansions, (now a total of 240 extra shots) and a missile expansion.

skip Cretaphid V4 and head to V.D.O. While beating this final level, be sure to pick up 1 UA Expansion and 1 Missle Expansion. Now head back to Slench 2A and try again. You should now have 270 extra shots plus 198 extra life. You should find it easier.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Hint - Freeze Ray (Unlimited Range)
In multiplayer mode, if you are playing as Noxus, usually, it is only possible to freeze opponents by firing a charged Judicator blast at close range. However, it is possible to freeze opponents from almost any distance.

To do this, just charge the Judicator blast, but instead of aiming at the opponent, aim at the ground. Make sure to be facing your opponent. Then, release the blast and your opponent will freeze on the spot, no matter how far away they are.

*NOTE: This will only work if your opponent is on the same level ground as you are. Also, it will not work on Trace if he turns invisible.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlockable - Imperialist
Go to Planet Arcterra. Then, go to the Sic Transit and look for a door with an orange force field. Go through the door using the Magmaul and you will be in a cave with enemies and a force field blocking your way to the Imperialist. Destroy all the enemies in the cave and the force field will disappear. Next, go to where the force field was and you will be attacked by an Artic Spawn. Defeat the Artic Spawn and the Imperialist will appear next to a door with a red force field. Get the Imperialist and you will have that weapon.

go to multy player and select combat hall then go in the coner with wires and charge misile wile walking back fire jump so you dont die and wala! your hide ing where you can hit them but they can't hit you!
go to multy player and select combat hall then go in the coner with wires and charge misile wile walking back fire jump so you dont die and wala! your hide ing where you can hit them but they can't hit you!
Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlockable: Arena Subterranean
You must play 8 local games.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Unlockable: Gold Medal
Get 200 total wins.

Carecters Without story
Go into multi card play and beat your frend while they are using a carecter you don't already have. If you beat them you will have that carecter for next round. hope this helps!!!!!
unknown world
run into a corner then keep on jumping. if you did thid correctly you will find your self in an unknown world.only use this cheat on any modes except adventure mode. this cheat is great for killing enemies with out the knowing who did it or seeing you when you do it.
unknown world
run into a corner then keep on jumping. if you did thid correctly you will find your self in an unknown world.only use this cheat on any modes except adventure mode. this cheat is great for killing enemies with out the knowing who did it or seeing you when you do it.
Climb walls with spire
Im pretty sure you all know this but in multiplayer mode and wifi use spire, turn into the dialache and go up and wall and voila your climbing up the walls good way to hide from your enemies to.
Oubliette Cheat
On the floor right under where the omega cannon is, there is a balcony-ish thing with a rock place with a small hole. If you turn into Alt-form mode and squeeze throught it, and then turn into Bi-Ped mode inside and you'll be invincible, but don't shoot the omega cannon at your feet, anywhere but inside the shelter is ok.
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