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Cheat codes for Metroid Prime: Hunters - First Hunt (Demo)

 Platform: Nintendo DS User rating: 4.9 Page visits: 1459 
Metroid Prime: Hunters - First Hunt (Demo) Unlockable: Movie
First you must complete the game. After the screen that says "TOUCH HERE TO START" there is a blinking hexagon. Touch it then it will say "Play Movie?" press yes and watch the movie.

NOTE: To unlock the hidden preview video, simply get a high score on each mode (not the highest score, just a high score). After the third high score is in, you will see a "Play Movie" button on the touch screen. After watching the movie, it is accessed by tapping the new glowing dot on the title screen.

Submitted by W. Heeney

Metroid Prime: Hunters - First Hunt (Demo) Unlockable: Compression Chamber
YOu must play 4 local games.

Metroid Prime: Hunters - First Hunt (Demo) Unlockable: Council Chamber
You must play 16 local games.

Metroid Prime: Hunters - First Hunt (Demo) Hint: Scoring
When playing "Survival" mode, you do not score until you miss an enemy. Your score at that point will be the square of the number of enemies killed since you missed last, plus your current score, if you haven't missed yet your current score will be zero of course. Score = Kills x Kills + Current Score.

The scoring method in "Regulator" is similar, but multiplied by 10. Score = Kills x (Kills x 10) + Current Score. Once again, if you have not missed in the round, your score will be 0 until you miss.

In "Morphball" the scoring is the same as in "Regulator" but with the ball power ups as the objective instead of kills. Score = Balls x Balls + Current score.

Metroid Prime: Hunters - First Hunt (Demo) Hint: Charge Missile
In Versus, Survivor and Regulator modes, a Charge Missile upgrade is available. Collect two Missile Upgrades and hold down the Fire button (This only works in Standard and Dual modes, not Touch/Shoot). The Missile foils on your Arm Cannon will spin and create a charge. The Charge Missile is twice as powerful and has a limited homing capability, however it takes 20 rounds to fire one shot.

Metroid Prime: Hunters - First Hunt (Demo) Hint: Charge Missile
In Versus, Survivor and Regulator modes, a Charge Missile upgrade is available. Collect two Missile Upgrades and hold down the Fire button (This only works in Standard and Dual modes, not Touch/Shoot). The Missile foils on your Arm Cannon will spin and create a charge. The Charge Missile is twice as powerful and has a limited homing capability, however it takes 20 rounds to fire one shot.

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