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Cheat codes for Nintendogs: Chihuahua

 Platform: Nintendo DS User rating: 4 Page visits: 1415 
free points
When grooming your puppy, instead of actually grooming it, leave the brush in the middle of your puppy and for each real time minute you get one trainer point. NOTE: Use the suitable brush for your puppy (wire brush for long-haired puppies, rubber brush for short-haired puppies.)

Well, people say they can. One way people say is to get two girl dogs and one boy. whichever dog the boy one likes most, keep at home. put the other girl at hotel. keep those dogs together for a week without playing nintendogs. a week later they should have pups. if you come too late the mother will eat the pups. I have not tried
Unlockable: Rooms
Unlockable: Rooms
Desktop: Get 6000 Owner Points
Seaside: Get 12000 Owner Points
Unlockable List -- U.S. Version
Unlockable List -- U.S. Version
Dalmation: Get the "Fireman Hat" item.
Golden Retriever: Get 10000 Owner Points
Miniature Schnauzer: Get 14000 Owner Points
Pinscher Collect: Get 2000 Owner Points
Siberian Husky: Get 4000 Owner Points
Toy Poodle: Get 8000 Owner Points
mario party 8

change trainer name
wht u do is go to go out then strole yur stilus over ta info and then pres trainer info wht shud show up is 4 options
get points
go to walk and get a present
special presents
where a lucky collar and a clover thngy ma bob when u go on a walk and a good present like a gold leash or diamond ring will show up
Unlock the wolf
Yes, you can. weired, but it seems to work. gain 12,000,000 trainer points but it must me on a sunday in your game once you have that last triner point.
Special presents
i found out that before you take your dog for a walk, change his/her accecorie and you will get very rare things like peach karts, promice rings, wierd aliens, very very fine vases, mario karts and much much more!
Special presents
i found out that before you take your dog for a walk, change his/her accecorie and you will get very rare things like peach karts, promice rings, wierd aliens, very very fine vases, mario karts and much much more!
walk every 2min
go on a walk get every thin ucan then go 2 park with no 1 in it.
change put on a collar or if u wearing 1 change it . it saves thats ok.
wen it turns turn off ds straight away
then turn on load up nintendogs u can go on a nother walk like that simple
NOTE:ur walking bar wont grow wen ever u do that.
it will grow wen u do a normal walk av fun
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