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Cheat codes for Nintendogs: Dalmatian
Platform: Nintendo DS |
User rating: 5.1 |
Page visits: 1563 |
All dogs
how do get money without entering contests or selling your things
Fast Trainer Points
light bulb feed
when the light bulb apears drag it to your dogs mouth
Do you want to get money in Nintendogs? Go for a walk with lots of question marks and you will get a gold bar and then sell it for $1,000!
Samantha Hatfield
gold bar
you get 2,000 dollars
action replay
buy action replay from argos. Every cheat code
while on a walk in a ? box there might be a meridite whith is worth a lot of money!usaly found at night!
while on a walk in a ? box there might be a meridite whith is worth a lot of money!usaly found at night!
hand stand
make your dod lie, then beg. it does a handstand
when you go for a walk and theres a present pull back on the leash it is usaly worth it
when you go for a walk and theres a present pull back on the leash it is usaly worth it
mini ufo
mini ufo worth 600 if you go for a walk you can find it in the ? boxes.
ring worth 1000
there is a ring worth 1000 if you go for a walk in the ? boxes
unlock dogs.
if you connect with a friend that has a different type of game, (lets say i have a dalmation game and i connect with a chihuahua game) then when i come back home, i will unlock the chihuahua.
there are a few different types of vases. always sell them you will get more money then breaking them.
never drop them
?ismoney cheats?
a back spin
Make your dog Rol over on its back and tell it to spin
a back spin
Make your dog Roll
over on its back and tell it to spin
Unlock the leopard
during game play gain 120000000 trainer points.
to get more money
all dogs without paying
I want all dogs free
Throwing your dog
Buy the pull rope from the Discount Shop, the while you dog is hanging from the rope, spin and throw the rope, you will see that the dog will be thrown(this does not hurt your dog though).
This isnt really a cheat but in walks sometimes in ? boxes u can find helicopters u can actually use controls to fly them around in ur house or at parks. Lots of fun :)
This isnt really a cheat but in walks sometimes in ? boxes u can find helicopters u can actually use controls to fly them around in ur house or at parks. Lots of fun :)
Lift the leash up high to make your dog jump. When comming to a bluespot make your dog jump
Lift the leash up high to make your dog jump. When comming to a bluespot make your dog jump
finding cool stuff.
you need the lucky coller and jerkey treat for this to work. When you go for a walk go strate to the park, put the lucky coller on your dog and feed him/her a jerkey treat then go to all the ? and you should find some cool things.
hfvsanjvgt mv
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