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Cheat codes for Ping Pals

 Platform: Nintendo DS User rating: 4.5 Page visits: 1436 
Ping Pals Unlockable: Girl of the Month
Change your DS date on any month with the 1st. Example: 05/01(year doesn't matter) and you should have a special girl of that month in the shop. NOTE: You can only buy them once.

Ping Pals Unlockable: Holiday Items
  • Bat Treats: Play on October 31st - 400 Coins
  • Birthday (Boy): Play on your Birthday - 5 Coins
  • Birthday (Girl): Play on your Birthday - 5 Coins
  • Elf Skirt: Play on December 25th - 300 Coins
  • Jack Hat: Play on October 31st - 4000 Coins
  • Jolly Suit: Play on December 25th - 300 Coins
  • Merry Cap: Play on December 25th - 10 Coins
  • Snowflake: Play on March 17th - 250 Coins
  • Succubus: Play on October 31st - 321 Coins
  • Valentine (Boy): Play on February 14th - 300 Coins
  • Valentine (Girl): Play on February 14th - 200 Coins
  • Vessel Top: Play on February 21st - 700 Coins

Ping Pals Hint: New Items
Change the system date to a different time or date to get new items in the shop. This works well for going back and getting items you missed or going forward to items you can't wait for (for example, Christmas).

Ping Pals Hint: 50 Coins Every Time
When you start just click credits and every time you watch the credits, you get 50 coins!

Ping Pals Hint: Don't Lose Your Money
If you lose money in hi-lo quickly press the mini-game button and click yes on “end mini game” and you won't lose your money. Note: Press this before they take your money.

Ping Pals Hint: Mr.______
Like The "Miss" things in shop where you put any month in and put it on the 1st, well, there is one for men too. Instead of putting the 1st, put the 15th. Just to say, I think Mr. August is pretty cool.
3/15/(put any year) =Mr.March
11/15/(put any year) = Mr.November

Ping Pals Hint: List of Words
Type these words for free coins. Each word can only be used once.
  • Common Words: baseball, billion, black, blue, book, boy, breakfast, brother, cash, cat, chat, cheerleader, cheese, chest, coin, cold, cool, cry, cute, dad, dinner, dog, dollar, eat, English, film, football, found, frankly, friendly, game, girl, green, gym, hair, happy, hate, homework, hot, ice, jacket, job, ketchup, lame, laugh, LOL, lost, love, lunch, math, military, mom, money, monkey, neat, number, old, pants, pizza, poor, pop, puppy, rain, red, blue, relish, sad, science, score, shirt, shot, sister, snack, snow, soccer, star, summer, sunny, tiger, tipsy, tired, treasure, video, white, winter, world, yellow, young
  • Uncommon Words: alligator, amazing, bar, bikini, boil, brilliant, chocolate, contribute, discover, dragon, drive, famous, fatal, forget, gift, giggle, goblin, handle, hidden, high, hug, infatuated, kangaroo, leader, like, lover, magazine, master, message, mister, natural, opera, persuade, pirate, princess, queen, religion, restroom, seven, sharp, skirt, spirit, spit, states, tease, thing, toilet, trek, turtle, united, vampire, vote, wizard
  • Rara Words: awesome, blam, enemy, enterprise, fantasy,glamorous, god, granny, kingdom, link, magnificent, mushroom, poker, python, stuff, sushi, wayforward, xylophone
  • Ultra Rare Words: blatherskite, cabbage, epoch, Amplitude, Antiquing, Baklava, Blatherskite, Bombardment, Bombastic, Cabbage, Cantankerous, Comatose, Doddering, Dressage, Emu, Epoch, Equinox, Fiddlesticks, Fisticuffs, Fortuitous, Genie, Goldilocks, Gorgon, Infidel, Isthmus, Jab, Larval, Magenta, Oxymoron, Planetarium, Scalawag, Skullduggery, Stenographer, Stingray, Undulate, Vegan, Wisenheimer
Submitted by TheJakMeister

Ping Pals Hint: Hedging Your Bets
Just start a game of high-low (where you guess a number) and repeatedly pick #5. you will get one of the following results: if the number is 1 or 9 you gain nothing; if the number is 2 or 8 you gain five coins; if the number is 3 or 7 you gain 15 coins; if the number is 4 or 6 you gain 25 coins; if the number is 5 you gain 100 coins; if the number is 10 you lose 2 coins.

Just keep picking 5 even if you keep losing and you will be able to beat most of the odds (don't ask how) and start accruing money.

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