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Cheat codes for Pokemon Diamond

 Platform: Nintendo DS User rating: 5.3 Page visits: 3868 
Pokemon Diamond Unlockable: Lucario Egg
Once you beat the 6th gym, then go to the caves, where a new character gives you this egg, after beating some Team Galaxy enemies.

Pokemon Diamond Unlockable: Elekid
Insert Fire Red in the GBA slot.

Pokemon Diamond GBA Cartridge Extras
Unverified. Insert the GBA cartridges to find the following Pokemon (you still need to find and capture them yourself).

Seedot -- Hakutai Forest, Route 203, Route 204
Nuzleaf -- Route 229
Mawile -- Iron Island
Zangoose -- Route 208
Solrock -- Thrust Lake, Thrust Lake Surroundings, Wisdom Lake, Aspiration Lake, Tengan Mountain, Departure Springs, Return Cave

Lotad -- Route 203, 204, 205 North, 212 South
Lombre -- Route 212 South, 229
Sableye -- Iron Island
Seviper -- Route 208
Lunatone -- Thrust Lake, Thrust Lake Surroundings, Wisdom Lake, Aspiration Lake, Tengan Mountain, Departure Springs, Return Cave

Pineco -- Hakutai Forest, Route 203, 204, 229
Gligar -- Hard Mountain, Route 206, 207, 214, 215, 227
Shuckle -- Route 224
Teddiursa -- Route 211, Wisdom Lake
Ursaring -- Wisdom Lake, Route 216, 217

Caterpie -- Route 204 South
Metapod -- Hakutai Forest
Ekans -- Route 212 South
Arbok -- Safari Zone
Growlithe -- Route 201, 202
Elekid -- Route 204 South, Powerplant

Weedle -- Route 204 South
Kakuna -- Hakutai Forest
Sandshrew -- Lost Cave
Sandslash -- Route 228
Vulpix -- Route 209
Magby -- Hard Mountain, Route 227

Any Pokemon GBA Cartridge
Haunter -- Forest Mansion
Gengar -- Forest Mansion Room with eyes

Pokemon Diamond Hint - GBA Unlockable Pokemon
When you have different GBA Cartridges in your GBA Slot (FireRed, LeafGreen, Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald) you can catch wild Pokémon in different locations, relevant to the GBA game you have inserted. You can get Pokémon like Solrock (Ruby), Lotad (Sapphire), Weedle (FireRed), Caterpie (LeafGreen) and Gligar (Emerald) this way.

Pokemon Diamond Hint - Pokemon Mansion
In Route 212, there is a Mansion where a few people live. Out back there is a patch of grass which is predominantly inhabited by Roselia, Mukubird, Pichu, Pikachu and Korotokku. However if you talk to the owner in the room to the right, you can activate something else.

Every day if you talk to him, he'll walk out. Go back in and he'll be there and tell you of a Pokémon that is inhabiting the place today. Sometimes its a Rare Shinou Dex Pokémon, others its a Non-Shinou Dex Pokémon so be alert. They are however there all day so you can go back. Their level averages at Lv. 16 to Lv. 19 so bring a Pokémon of that level. You have up to two of these Pokémon at once, they have a low encounter rate in the Mansion and the two Pokémon are the one allocated Today and Yesterday.

Pokemon Diamond Unlockable: National Dex
Finish the Shinou Dex.

Pokemon Diamond Unlockable: Pal Park
Acquire the national dex.

Pokemon Diamond Unlockable Legendary Pokemon Heatran
This legendary can be male or female but cannot breed.Get your national dex and go to the island in the north and east. When you get to Stark Mountain, you must team up with someone to go through the place. The trainer will take the item and depart. Head back to the Survival Area, and your "partner" will be inside a house. Talk to her and she'll leave.

You have only one chance to capture Heatran, so save the game first. Return to the mountain, and Heatran will be waiting. The pokemon is at level 70. Heatran can learn the following moves:
  • Level 1 - Ancientpower
  • Level 9 - Leer
  • Level 17 - Fire Fang
  • Level 25 - Metal Sound
  • Level 33 - Crunch
  • Level 41 - Scary Face
  • Level 49 - Lava Plume
  • Level 57 - Fire Spin
  • Level 65 - Iron Head
  • Level 73 - Earth Power
  • Level 81 - Heat Wave
  • Level 88 - Stone Edge
  • Level 96 - Magma Storm

    Submitted by Leom (Shatfi5024)

    Pokemon Diamond Unlockable Eevee
    Get an Eevee through one of two ways:

    #1 Receive an Eevee from someone named Mizuki in Hearthome City

    #2 Catch yourself a wild Eevee in the back of the Pokemon Mansion

    Pokemon Diamond Unlock Manaphy (Pokemon Ranger)
    Very many pokemon fans have wanted a chance to capture one of the rarest pokemon in sinnoh MANAPHY, but due to the fact that pokemon diamond and pearl do not have any availible manaphy in the ENTIRE GAME. So the easiest way for you to get a manaphy is for you to get the game Called POKEMON RANGER. This game has a mission that is available for you to play after you do a few things.

    (1) Beat the Pokemon Ranger game.

    (2) On the ranger net screen hold the buttons R, X, and the D-PAD LEFT (if you beat the game you will know what the ranger net is).

    (3) When the screen says enter password, input p8m2-9d6f-43h7.

    (4) Then at the special missions screen you will see a mission called RESCUE THE EGG. Tap on it then do the mission and get the egg, this will not be easy and will take a lot of time and effort but it all pays off at the end.

    (5) Borrow (or buy) a second Nintendo DS and the copy of Pokemon Diamond or Pearl you want the Manaphy on. The second DS should have Pokemon Ranger inserted. Go to the Ranger net with the Ranger DS and tap on CHECK THE EGG and then tap SEND MESSAGE. If your Diamond/Pearl DS is close enough to receive the message, you will get the Manaphy egg traded to you.

    1. Turn on your other DS with the D/P cart.
    2 Select the option to transfer Manaphy.
    3. Do the wireless ok's and what not.
    4 Go to the nearest mart with 5 pokemon or less to pick up your egg.

    Submitted by oitsme123 (tfries)
    Verified by Sarpedon, Taco_Human, -Koole
    Addition by Renegade_Pikachu

    Pokemon Diamond Unlockable: Black Trainer Card
    You must win 100 times in a row at the Battle Tower.

    Recive evee the real way
    after you beat the elite four and earn the national dex. then go to hearthome city and talk to a girl named bebe who you probabally met before. she will give you a free evee so have space in your party. you will want evee to be a girl so you can breed it like crazy. evees egg type is field.
    the greatest diamond glitch
    fuck you all. i hate you all. stupid pokemon fucking geek nerdy cunts. your mums would be crying to have you all. because your all faggots. nerds
    the greatest diamond glitch 2
    if u think pokemon diamond is dumb why are u on this page beaoch
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