Planet Cheats

Cheat codes beginning with 'R' (page 1)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 830 cheats

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1. R Type (Game Boy)
2. R-Type (Game Boy)
3. R-Type (Master Systems)
4. R-Type (TurboGrafx 16)
5. R-Type (Virtual Console) (Nintendo Wii)
6. R-Type 3: The Third Lightning (Super NES)
7. R-Type Delta (Playstation)
8. R-Type DX (Game Boy)
9. R-Type DX (Game Boy Color)
10. R-Type Final (Playstation 2)
11. R-Type Final (Ps2 Cheats)
12. R-Type III (Game Boy Advance)
13. R-Type III: The Third Lightning (Game Boy Advance)
14. R-Types (Playstation)
15. R.B.I. Baseball 2 (NES)
16. R.B.I. Baseball 95 (Sega 32X)
17. R.C. Grand Prix (Master Systems)
18. R.E.M.: Parallel (DVD Extras)
19. R.P.M. Racing (Super NES)
20. R/C Stunt Copter (Playstation)
21. R: Racing Evolution (Playstation 2)
22. R: Racing Evolution (Xbox)
23. R: Racing Evolution (GameCube)
24. R: Racing Evolution (GameCube)
25. RA Bricks Of Egypt (PC)
26. Race Driver 2006 (Sony PSP)
27. Racer (PC)
28. Racing Aces (Sega CD)
29. Racing Gears Advance (Game Boy Advance)
30. Racing Jam 2 (Arcade)
31. Rad Gravity (NES)
32. Rad Racer (NES)
33. Rad Racer 2 (NES)
34. Radiant Silvergun (Saturn)
35. Radiata Stories (Ps2 Cheats)
36. Radical Rex (Super NES)
37. Radical Rex (Genesis)
38. Radical Rex (Sega CD)
39. Radical Rex (Super NES)
40. Radix: Beyond the Void (PC - Windows)
41. Rage Against The Machine (DVD Extras)
42. Rage Of Mages (PC)
43. Rage of Mages (PC - Windows)
44. Rage of Mages II : Necromancer (PC)
45. Rage Racer (Playstation)
46. Rage, The - Carrie 2 (DVD Extras)
47. Raging Bless (Playstation 2)
48. Raging Breath (Playstation 2)
49. Raging Bull (DVD Extras)
50. Raging Fighter (Game Boy)

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